Saturday, 2 March 2013

Seed Update

I realise, that you are probably all in suspense, wondering what happened to my seeds, planted three weeks ago.
Well, my first crop has come and gone in the shape of egg and cress sandwiches for three. I have planted some more this week and they are sprouting nicely.
 So far, only 5 of the carrot seeds have come up and they are so very, very small and the planter is so large that taking their photo didn't work. It looks like the sky at night on a particularly dark and moonlit night or possibly the inside of a coal cellar at night. Here it is anyway:

The carrot seeds have had a lot to put up with anyway as Oliver decided it was a good surface to race his cars on and Jess was leaping on the planter and then I probably shook them up when I tried to move them to safety. Funny that I thought growing them indoors would keep them safe from pests.

The winter lettuce has been disappointingly slow, probably due to the cold but if it is going to carry on at this rate I shall end up eating it as a microsalad (very fashionable at the moment I understand).

I have planted some more salad leaves out of a packet labelled mesclun which seems to be a mix of rocket and lambs lettuce and other random leaves.
The radishes seem to be doing nicely although I have doubts as to whether the margarine tub will be big enough. Still nothing venture, nothing gain.

I shall also sow some more onion seeds as the others have now germinated. It is not possible to have too many onions and if I don't have space to grow them on I shall eat them as spring onions.

The tomatoes and peppers I have a bit of a confession to make about, I failed to label the pots in the airing cupboard. I also failed to notice they had sprouted. Oops. Hence the legginess of the stalks as they tried desperately to grow towards the light. Most of them have sprouted but I don't know which. I shall know as soon as they get their proper leaves though although telling the upright tomatoes from the trailing variety my be more difficult.

 I should have known better at my age.


  1. Oh, but this way it's much more interesting ! ;)

    1. Indeed, there's nothing like a mystery plant.
