Sunday, 6 January 2013

A New Life

Join me as I craft out a new life for myself.

 I want to  find a way of living that is fulfilling. It is about self sufficiency but also about how that ideal can be adapted for those of us who have to live in the city. I can’t wait for that elusive lottery win to buy my dream home in the country, I need to start living life as I want it now. It is about being frugal as frugality means  freedom from money grubbing but not to the point when I will be eating nasty food just because it is cheap.

A year ago I was in a well paid job. I had financial security but nothing to look forward to until I retired. Everything I liked doing had to be squeezed in evenings and weekends and the list of things I would like to do if only I had the time was growing longer and longer. I don’t want to go back to living like that; I need to forge a new life where time is more important than money.

So there will be a lot of decluttering, a fair bit of baking, some knitting, some desperate diy ,much gardening, a lot about chickens and bees, a good deal about soap and setting up a craft business and who knows what else.

It will be about growing it and making it and doing it yourself and not just because I have no money but because I find it satisfying to look at a completed item and say ‘I made that’. 

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