Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Liquid Soap

So I thought I would have a go at making liquid soap from some left over scraps of my Apricot Skin Softener Soap. It was quite a fancy soap using apricot kernel oil, almond oil and shea butter and scented with geranium and orange but these were what you might call offcuts, the bits at the side of the block that didn't look too good. Anyway it was very simple and the result is hugely satisfying, bottled in a recycled liquid soap bottle as you see above.
At the moment it is sitting on the kitchen windowsill by the sink being used everytime I come in from the chickens or after cleaning up after the dog and my hands are in sore need of softening, however I think it would also be useful as a substitute for shower gel. Maybe I will make some more for the bathroom, possibly with my favourite lemon verbena.
Here is the recipe if you fancy having a go.

100g soap grated or in scraps
300g water
1 tsp glycerine

Put the soap in a jug. Boil 200g of the water and pour it over the soap, whisk until dissolved. Add the remaining water at room temperature and the glycerine and whisk with a stick blender until smooth. Allow to cool and pour into a sterilized bottle.
I made mine using a double boiler and just let the soap scraps dissolve slowly whilst I got on with other things.
This would be also be a really useful way of using up the slivers of soap from the end of a bar and I think this was actually done during the war for that reason.

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