I have been wanting to give the chickens a roof to their coop or at least one corner of it. Last winter they hated the snow so I covered the run in a tarpaulin which worked for a while but sagged when full of heavy rain and made the run darker than it need be. So I thought a quick solution would be to screw clear PVC panels to the roof.

That was in November and somehow the panels were put into the garage and left there. Either the weather was wrong or I was busy with something else or it was Christmas but today there were no excuses.
It was a lot easier than I'd imagined, it would have been even easier if I hadn't had a toddler climbing the ladder behind me saying 'What you doing? What you doing?' on a loop/ Pup also had to be shut in the house when I needed to get in the run with the chickens and then whined piteously the whole time.
Still it is finished now and will give the chickens a nice dry place to go to.
I was intending to post this last night but had one of those unfortunate accidents that happen when you have a toddler, a puppy and a bowl of soup. I left the laptop overnight to dry out and things seem okay now.
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